Leemon Baird's Publications

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    Journal Articles

  1. Baird, Leemon C III & Fagin, Barry S. (2012) "Finding Conserved Functions for Cellular Automata Through a Complete Theory of the Trivials", Journal of Cellular Automata, 7, pages 115-150.
  2. Baird, Leemon C III, Schweitzer, Dino, Bahn, William L & Sambasivam, Samuel (2010) "A Novel Visual Cryptography Coding System for Jam Resistant Communications", Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 7, pages 495-507, (Also as 'Visual Concurrent Codes' in the Proceedings of the Conference on Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology).
  3. Baird, Leemon, Fagin, Barry & Fagin, Max (2010) "A single-sheet icosahedral fold with improved efficiency, using a business card", Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 35:2, pages 132-140.
  4. Brown, Wayne & Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) "A non-trigonometric, pseudo area preserving, polyline smoothing algorithm", Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, (Also in the Proceedings of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Mid-South Conference).
  5. Baird, Leemon C. III & Fagin, Barry (2007) "Conserved functions for 1-D automata: Efficient algorithms, new results, and a partial taxonomy", Journal of Cellular Automata.
  6. Bahn, William L., Baird, Leemon C. III & Collins, Michael D. (2007) "The use of concurrent codes in computer programming and digital signal processing education", Journal of Computing Sciences in College, 23:1, Oct, pages 174-180, (also in the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (RMCCSC), Orem Utah).
  7. Augeri, Christopher J., Mullins, Barry E., Baird, Leemon C. III, Bulutoglu, Dursun A. & Baldwin, Rusty O. (2007) "An algorithm for determining isomorphism using lexicographic sorting and the matrix inverse", Congressus Numerantium Journal.
  8. Weaver, Scott E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Polycarpou, Marios M. (1998) "An Analytical Framework for Local Feedforward Networks", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 9:3, pages 473-482, (Also published as University of Cincinnati Technical Report TR 195/07/96/ECECS).
  9. Baird, Leemon C. III, Harmon, Mance E. & Klopf, A. Harry. (1996) "Reinforcement Learning: An Alternative Approach to Machine Intelligence", CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 9:2, pages 22-24.
  10. Harmon, Mance E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry. (1995) "Reinforcement Learning Applied to a Differential Game", Adaptive Behavior, 4:1, MIT Press, pages 3-28.
  11. Schweitzer, Dino, Gibson, David & Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) "Simplified core war for introducing low-level concepts", Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, October, (Also in the Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges).
  12. Fagin, Barry S., Baird, Leemon C. III, Humphries, Jeffrey W. & Schweitzer, Dino L. (2007) "Skepticism and Cryptography", Knowledge Technology and Policy, 20:4, December, pages 231-242, (Also to appear as a chapter in the ICFEI book "Cryptography: An Introduction" in 2009).
  13. Carlisle, Martin & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "Timing neural networks in C and Ada", Ada Letters, (Also in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Ada Programming Language, SIGAda07).
  14. Schweitzer, Dino, Humphries, Jeffrey W. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2006) "Meeting the criteria for a center of academic excellance (CAE) in information assurance education", Journal for Computing in Small Colleges, (Also in the Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges).
  15. Fagin, Barry S., Harper, Jim, Baird, Leemon C. III, Hadfield, Steve & Sward, Ricky (2006) "Critical thinking and computer science: Implicit and explicit connections", Journal of Computing Science in Colleges, 21:4, April 21-22, pages 171-177, (Also in the Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, South Central Region).
  16. Sward, Ricky E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2005) "Optimizing the SPARK Program Slicer", Ada Letters, (Also in the Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on the Ada Programming Language, SIGAda).
  17. Baird, Leemon C. III & Wang, P. S. P. (1995) "3-D object perception using gradient descent", The Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 5:2.
  18. Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry. (1994) "Reinforcement learning and optimal decision making", Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 38:3, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, (Invited book review of Rosenstein, G.,1991, Income and choice in biological control systems: A framework for understanding the function and dysfunction of the brain).
  19. Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry (1993) "A hierarchical network of provably optimal learning control systems: Extensions of the associative control process (ACP) network", Adaptive Behavior, 1:3, pages 321-352.
  20. Peer-Reviewed Conferences

  21. Hanifi, Hamid, Baird, Leemon & Thurimella, Ramakrishna (2015) "A new algorithm for unkeyed jam resistance", 8th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN15), Sochi, Russian Federation, Sep 8 - 10.
  22. Baird, Leemon C. III & Parks, Bill (2015) "Exhaustive Attack Analysis of BBC With Glowworm for Unkeyed Jam Resistance", Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Soft Computing Berkeley, CA.
  23. Baird, Leemon C. III, Carlisle, Martin C., Bahn, William L. & Smith, Eric (2012) "The Glowworm hash: Increased speed and security for BBC unkeyed jam resistance", IEEE Military Communication Conference (MILCOM12), Orlando, FL, Oct 29 - Nov 1.
  24. Baird, Leemon C. III & Schweitzer, Dino (2010) "Complexity of the Game of Sprouts", FCS'10 - 6th International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, July.
  25. Baird, Leemon C. III & Fagin, Barry S. (2010) "Faster Methods for Identifying Nontrivial Conserved Energy Functions for Cellular Automata", AUTOMATA 2010 16th intl. workshop on cellular automata and discrete complex systems, Nancy, France, Jun.
  26. Baird, Leemon C. III, Carlisle, Martin & Bahn, William L (2010) "Unkeyed Jam Resistance 300 Times Faster: The Inchworm Hash", MILCOM 2010 - Military Communications Conference, San Jose, CA, Oct.
  27. Sutton, Douglas, Carlisle, Martin, Sarmiento, Traci & Baird, Leemon (2009) "Partitioned neural networks", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.
  28. Bahn, William L., Baird, Leemon C. III & Collins, Michael, D. (2008) "Oscillator mismatch and jitter compensation in concurrent codecs", IEEE Military Communication Conference (MILCOM08), San Diego, CA, Nov 17-19.
  29. Bahn, William L., Baird, Leemon C. III & Collins, Michael, D. (2008) "Jam resistant communications without shared secrets", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Warfare and Security (ICIW08), Omaha, Nebraska, April 24-25.
  30. Brown, Wayne & Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) "A graph drawing algorithm for the game of sprouts", The 2008 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 14-17.
  31. Schweitzer, Dino, Baird, Leemon C. III & Bahn, William (2007) "Visually understanding jam resistant communication", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, Oct 29, pages 175-186.
  32. Fagin, Barry S. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "New higher-order conserved functions for 1-D cellular automata", Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Honolulu, HI, April 1-5.
  33. Baird, Leemon C. III & Kraft, Don H. (2007) "A new approach for boolean query processing in text information retreival", Proceedings of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) 2007 World Congress, Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21.
  34. Baird, Leemon C. III, Bahn, William L., Collins, Michael D., Carlisle, Martin C. & Butler, Sean (2007) "Keyless jam resistance", Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop (IAW), Orlando, Florida, June 20-22, pages 143-150.
  35. Bahn, William L. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "Impediments to systems thinking: Communities separated by a common language", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information (CITSA), Orlando, Florida, July 12-15, pages 122-127.
  36. Schweitzer, Dino & Baird, Leemon C. III (2006) "Discovering an RC4 anomomly through visualization", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security.
  37. Baird, Leemon C. III, Smalenberger, David & Ingkiriwang, Shawn (2005) "One-step neural network inversion with PDF learning and emulation", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, August.
  38. Munos, Remi, Baird, Leemon C. III & Moore, Andrew W. (1999) "Gradient Descent Approaches to Neural-Net-Based Solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.
  39. Moore, Andrew W., Baird, Leemon C. III & Kaelbling, Leslie P. (1999) "Multi-Value-Functions: Efficient Automatic Action Hierarchies for Multiple Goal MDPs", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  40. Baird, Leemon C. III & Moore, Andrew W. (1999) "Gradient descent for general reinforcement learning", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, M. S. Kearns, S. A. Solla, and D. A. Cohn, editors, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  41. Weaver, Scott E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Polycarpou, Marios M. (1998) "Preventing unlearning during on-line training of feedforward networks", Proceedings of the International Symposium of Intelligent Control, Gaithersburg, MD, Sept 14-17, pages 359-364.
  42. Weaver, Scott E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Polycarpou, Marios M. (1996) "An analytical framework for local feedforward networks", International Symposium of Intelligent Control, Dearborn, MI, Sept 15-18, pages 450-455.
  43. Weaver, Scott E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Polycarpou, Marios M. (1996) "Local feedforward networks", Adaptive Distributive Parallel Computing, Dayton, OH, Aug 8-9, pages 280-290.
  44. Harmon, Mance E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1996) "Residual Advantage Learning Applied to a Differential Game", Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C, 3-6 June.
  45. Bandera, Cesar, Vico, F. J., Bravo, J. M., Harmon, Mance E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1996) "Residual Q-learning applied to visual attention", Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, Bari, Italy, 3-6 July.
  46. Weaver, Scott E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Polycarpou, Marios M. (1995) "On the Localization of Feedforward Networks", Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
  47. Baird, Leemon C. III (1995) "Residual Algorithms", Proceedings of the Workshop on Value Function Approximation, Machine Learning Conference, Justin A. Boyan, Andrew W. Moore, Richard S. Sutton, editors, July 9, (Workshop proceedings are CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-95-206, and are at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~reinf/ml95/proceedings.html).
  48. Baird, Leemon C. III (1995) "Residual Algorithms: Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation", Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, Armand Prieditis and Stuart Russell, editors, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Francisco, CA, July 9-12.
  49. Williams, Ron J. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1994) "Tight Performance Bounds on Greedy Policies Based on Imperfect Value Functions", Proceedings of the Tenth Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, Yale University, June 1994.
  50. Harmon, Mance E., Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry (1994) "Advantage Updating Applied to a Differential Game", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, Gerald Tesauro, et al, editors, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pages 353-360.
  51. Baird, Leemon C. III (1994) "Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Time: Advantage Updating", Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, FL, June.
  52. Baird, Leemon C. III (1992) "Function Minimization for Dynamic Programming Using Connectionist Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, IL, pages 19-24.
  53. Williams, Ron J. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1990) "A Mathematical Analysis of Actor-Critic Architectures for Learning Optimal Controls Through Incremental Dynamic Programming", Proceedings of the Sixth Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, Yale University, August 15-17, pages 96-101.
  54. Schweitzer, Dino, Collins, Mike & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "A visual approach to teaching formal models in security", Proceedings of the 11th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE).
  55. Schweitzer, Dino & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "The design and use of interactive visualization applets for teaching ciphers", Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE Information Assurance Workshop.
  56. Fagin, Barry S., Baird, Leemon C. III, Humphries, Jeffrey W. & Schweitzer, Dino L. (2007) "Teaching information security", Proceedings of the 11th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, Boston, MA, June.
  57. Carlisle, Martin C. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "Design and use of a secure testing environment on untrusted hardware", Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop (IAW), June 20-22.
  58. Augeri, Christopher J., Bulutoglu, Dursun A., Mullins, Barry E., Baldwin, Rusty O. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2007) "An analysis of XML compression efficiency", Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Computer Science (ExpCS), ACM Press, San Diego, CA, June.
  59. Shelly, Nicholas J., Jensen, Nathan A., Baird, Leemon C. III & Moore, Jason A. (2006) "Fault-tolerant overlay protocol network", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance.
  60. Schweitzer, Dino L., Baird, Leemon C. III, Collins, Mike D., Brown, Wayne C. & Sherman, Mike (2006) "GRASP: A visualization tool for teaching security protocols", Proceedings of the 10th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, June.
  61. Sward, Ricky E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2005) "Proving Functional Equivalence for Program Slicing in SPARK", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe, June.
  62. Neebel, Danial J., Augeri, Christopher J., MacMillan, Gordon, Baird, Leemon C. III & de Freitas, Adrian A. (2005) "Work in Progress - A Visual Cache Memory Simulator", Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct 19-22.
  63. Augeri, Christopher J., Neebel, Danial J., Baird, Leemon C. III & de Freitas, Adrian A. (2005) "UAV Communications: Integrating a Real-World Scenario with Computer Architecture", Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct 19-22.
  64. Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry (1993) "Extensions of the associative control process (ACP) network: Hierarchies and provable optimality", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  65. Baird, Leemon C. III & Wang, P. S. P. (1991) "3D object recognition using gradient descent and the universal 3D ray grammar", Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Algorithms and Techniques, 1607, Boston, MA, pages 711-719.
  66. Alexander, Jeff S., Baird, Leemon C. III, Baker, Walter L. & Farrell, Jay A. (1991) "A design and simulation tool for connectionist learning control systems: Application to autonomous underwater vehicles", Proceedings of the Society for Computer Simulation Conference Baltimore, MD.
  67. Baird, Leemon C. III & Baker, Walter L. (1990) "A connectionist learning system for nonlinear control", Proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control, Portland, Oregon, pages 1113-1119.
  68. Technical Reports

  69. Baird, Leemon C. III (2016) Hashgraph Consensus: Detailed Examples, Technical Report, Swirlds, Inc., SWIRLDS-TR-2016-02.
  70. Baird, Leemon C. III (2016) The Swirlds hashgraph consensus algorithm: fair, fast, Byzantine fault tolerance, Technical Report, Swirlds, Inc., SWIRLDS-TR-2016-01.
  71. Baird, Leemon C. III & Bahn, William L. (2009) An O(log n) Running Median or Running Statistic Method, for Use with BBC Jam Resistance, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2009-ACCR-03, Nov.
  72. Baird, Leemon C. III & Bahn, William L. (2009) An Efficient Correlator for Implementations of BBC Jam Resistance, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2009-ACCR-02, Nov.
  73. Baird, Leemon C. III & Bahn, William L. (2009) Parallel BBC Decoding With Little Interprocess Communication, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2009-ACCR-01, Nov.
  74. Bahn, William L. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) Hardware-Centric Implementation Considerations for BBC-Based Concurrent Codecs, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2008-ACCR-03, Dec 8.
  75. Bahn, William L. & Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) Extending Critical Mark Densities in Concurrent Codecs Through the Use of Interstitial Checksum Bits, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2008-ACCR-02, Dec 8.
  76. Baird, Leemon C. III & Bahn, William L. (2008) Security Analysis of BBC Coding, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2008-ACCR-01, Dec 8.
  77. Baird, Leemon C. III (2008) The Cellular Automata *0*0*000 Have No Nontrivial Conserved Functions, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Cyberspace Research, USAFA-TR-2008-ACCR-04, Dec 8.
  78. Baird, Leemon C. III & Collins, Michael D. (2007) On Efficient Bijections between permutations and functions, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, Academy Center for Information Security, USAFA-ACIS-2007-02, May 26.
  79. Baird, Leemon C. III, Bahn, William L. & Collins, Michael D. (2007) Jam-Resistant Communication Without Shared Secrets Through the Use of Concurrent Codes, Technical Report, U. S. Air Force Academy, USAFA-TR-2007-01, Feb 14.
  80. Baird, Leemon C. III (1999) Reinforcement Learning Through Gradient Descent, Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-99-132, (PhD Thesis).
  81. Harmon, Mance E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1996) Multi-player residual advantage learning with general function approximation, Technical Report, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio: Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-1065.
  82. Harmon, Mance E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1996) Metrics for Temporal Difference Learning, Technical Report, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio: Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-96-1153.
  83. Harmon, Mance E. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1996) Spurious Solutions to the Bellman Equation, Technical Report, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio: Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-96-'To Be Assigned'.
  84. Williams, Ron J. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1993) Tight Performance Bounds on Greedy Policies Based on Imperfect Value Functions, Technical Report, Northeastern University, NU-CCS-93-14, Nov.
  85. Williams, Ron J. & Baird, Leemon C. III (1993) Analysis of Some Incremental Variants of Policy Iteration: First Steps Toward Understanding Actor-Critic Learning Systems, Technical Report, Northeastern University, NU-CCS-93-11, Sep.
  86. Baird, Leemon C. III & Klopf, A. Harry. (1993) Reinforcement Learning with High-Dimensional, Continuous Actions, Technical Report, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio: Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-93-1147.
  87. Baird, Leemon C. III (1993) Advantage Updating, Technical Report, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio: Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-93-1146.
  88. Baker, Walter L., Atkins, S. C., Baird, Leemon C. III, Koenig, M. A., Millington, Pete J. & Nistler, Noel F. (1993) Investigation of Drive-Reinforcement Learning and Application of Learning to Flight Control, Technical Report, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, WL-TR-93-1153.
  89. Baird, Leemon C. III (1991) Learning and adaptive hybrid systems for nonlinear control, Technical Report, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, CSDL-T-1099, (Master's thesis, College of Computer Science, Northeastern University Boston).
  90. Patents

  91. Baird, Leemon (2017) Methods and apparatus for a distributed database within a network, US Patent #9,646,029.
  92. Baird, Leemon (2016) Methods and apparatus for a distributed database within a network, US Patent #9,529,923.
  93. Baird, Leemon (2016) Methods and apparatus for a distributed database within a network, US Patent #9,390,154.
  94. Hale, Mark Charles & Baird, Leemon (2015) Translation system and method for multiple instant message networks, US Patent #8,983,850.
  95. Baird, Leemon Claude III & Hughes, John Kelly (2012) Power over data cable system and method, US Patent #8,164,436.
  96. Baird, Leemon C. III, Harmon, Mance E., Young, R Reed. & Armstrong, James E. Jr. (2009) Apparatus and method for authenticating access to a network resource, US Patent #7,603,565.
  97. Baird, Leemon C. III, Harmon, Mance E., Young, R Reed. & Armstrong, James E. Jr. (2004) Apparatus and method for authenticating access to a network resource, US Patent #6,732,278.
  98. Baird, Leemon C. III (1997) Learning controller with advantage updating algorithm, US Patent #5,608,843.
  99. Other

  100. Fagin, Barry S. & Baird, Leemon C III (2016) Word Hypercubes are Fun, NP-Hard, and In General Undecidable, (chapter in book "Topics in Recreational Mathematics, Vol 6", Charles Ashbacher ed.).
  101. Thurimella, Ramki & Baird, Leemon C III (2011) Network Security, IGI Global, pages 1-31, (chapter in book "Applied Cryptography for Cyber Security and Defense: Information Encryption and Cyphering", Hamid R. Nematic and Li Yang ed.).
  102. Baird, Leemon C. III (1983) Five Subroutines, (Computronics-Magazine, January, issue 53).

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